Breakthroughs of This Magnitude Happen Once a Century

Brian Hicks

Posted March 10, 2012

I remember the conversation almost word for word, even though it happened almost a year ago.

It took about five minutes for my business partner to tell me about a metals mining company that was using a method so new, so unique, and so revolutionary… that “they’re going to be as far ahead of the pack as the first company to start using dynamite back in the 19th century.”

Those were his exact words.

Big claims, I remember thinking to myself…

But then I did a little digging of my own — and realized that not only was he right — but that what this company was doing would start sending their stock into orbit in short order.

Within a couple months of that conversation, I was on site in Fort McMurray, Alberta, meeting with the CEO, walking this soon-to-be legendary property, and listening to how this magical process takes place. And it was all happening before my eyes.

Here’s a very brief explanation of how their process works:greenslime

Workers load several tons of lose rock and sediment (aggregate) into a series of bins, and then add a thick, viscous liquid (the alien neon-green color you see at right).

Then they walk away.

For the next 36 hours, the liquid eats through the aggregate, literally digesting the non-metallic elements…

And leaving only nickel, copper, cobalt, cadmium, uranium, lithium, vanadium, molybdenum, and zinc in its wake.

When the process is done, the liquid is collected at the bottom of the processed batch and simply reinjected into a new batch. Then it starts up all over again.

You see, the “liquid” isn’t liquid at all — but a matrix containing perhaps the most exotic organism known to man today: bacteria which actually feeds off minerals; rock-eating microbes.

Sounds like science fiction, I know — but this is actually a very precise process that’s been tested and perfected over a number of years to be able to do what it does today.

Called bioheap leaching, the process is faintly similar to basic heap leaching in that valuable materials are dissolved from worthless mineral ore.

Only instead of acid — which can only be used to harvest one or two very specific elements, namely gold and copper  — bioheap leaching is far more effective at producing a whole host of metals that were never before accessible through any methods besides traditional blasting and melting.

The neon-green solution I mentioned is reusable, and aside from some heat, produces almost no by-products to speak of.

And being as versatile and user-friendly as it is, this process opens never-before accessible, completely untouched mineral deposits to development.

But I haven’t even gotten to the best part…

This company isn’t a lab somewhere, comprised of people working on a patent or two which they can then license to the big producers…

No, this company intends to use their method.

Holding a 980-square-mile chunk of land in Northern Alberta, they have already identified at least 250 million tons of metal-rich aggregate ready and waiting to be extracted and processed.

Inside just one of the several major mineralized zones dotting this property lie 34 million ounces of silver, 470,000 tons of zinc, 108,000 of copper, and over 210,000 tons of nickel.

In today’s market, those metals alone are valued at $4.6 billion.

And that’s not even counting the uranium, molybdenum, cobalt, and vanadium that’s just as abundant in this rocky earth!

All in all  — across all this company’s properties — there are tens of billions of dollars in precious and industrial metals ready for blasting and processing.

Not bad for a company whose current 62-cent stock price puts their market cap at just under $44 million…

And that 62-cent share price, by the way, is up from 15 cents when I first heard the four letters of this company’s ticker symbol.

This is only the beginning — just the first steps forward as the mainstream investment community gets behind this thing and this company becomes a household name…

The original bull on America,

Brian Hicks
Publisher, Wealth Daily

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